on 2023-12-01 Use Vercel Edge Config for feature flags
Context and Problem Statement
I want a way for users to test features before they are fully completed. I also want to be able to toggle some features on for users without a redeploy. Feature flags are a common solution to both of these problems.
Considered Options
- LaunchDarkly
- HappyKit Flags
- Vercel Edge Config
Decision Outcome
Chosen option: “Vercel Edge Config”, because it is free and does everything I need it to.
Pros and Cons of the Options
LaunchDarkly is a feature flag management platform.
- Good, because it is feature rich
- Good, because it is a large, well supported project
- Good, because it is well liked by the community
- Bad, because it is expensive
HappyKit Flags
HappyKit Flags is a feature flag management platform for Next.js.
- Good, because it has a generous free tier
- Good, because it is designed to work with Next.js as selected in ADR-0004
- Bad, because it is a small project
Vercel Edge Config
Vercel Edge Config is a global data store that enables experimentation with feature flags, A/B testing, critical redirects, and more.
- Good, because it is free
- Good, because it is fast
- Bad, because I need to manage it myself